Saturday, June 6, 2009

In which we detour in history and flashback to Pisa.


Pisa was interesting. Large group of people all got together to explore Pisa for the day. Took a train there in the afternoon after class.

Got there and immediately became really lost. Walked about for a long period of time and finally located the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which, indeed, is in Pisa, is a Tower, and which is on quite a slant. The whole area's actually a big sinkhole, unbeknownst to architects in the 1100s (The fools should have just used their ground-penetrating radar to detect weak spots in the ground below...stupid 1100ers...), and it shows. The Tower's on a hell of a slant at this point and some day shall fall over to its doom.

Had dinner at a nice restaurant. Some of the more slutty actor girls managed to charm their way to free food (like usual), but the table I was at took the high road and actually accepted that our waiter was a human being, not just an animal to be toyed with (I'm not bitter about this happening everywhere we go, no siree...).

Ended up having to take a 1:12 am bus, so we chilled out at a nearby bar/restaurant/grill (their sign, not my wordplay). Realized that I hate wine (red, at least) and that I'm apparently more of a liquor guy (something and tonic, STAT!).

Eventually got the bus home, sat next to an actor girl unable to stop talking (pretty bad when you have a massive headache), taxied back to base, planned for the epic Siena trip, and finally went to bed at 4am.

All-in-all, not too bad.

I'll leave you readers with this, a question from one of the many conversations I and my "bus buddy" had on the trip back: If you were to die this instant and had to pick one memory in which to live for the rest of eternity, what would it be?

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