Wednesday, June 3, 2009

And then I got busy...

Sorry for the gigantic time gap in posts. Got absorbed in script outlining work. Show I'm working is (I think) an unbad idea. I actually like something I've written for once.

Script professor remains incredibly cool.

Florence remains wicked hot. Had a rainy day over the weekend, but it was the sort of humid rain of death that only makes the day feel that much worse.

A group of the folks here have started going to a place up the hill called Bar Lidia, potentially the greatest sandwich shop in the history of food. Giorgio, the older fellow who runs the shop, understands basic English (tomato, lettuce, thank you, sandwich, toasted) and is a beautiful, beautiful man who crafts masterworks of sandwichery, even when he doesn't make anything near what you'd intended.

Went for a long walk around the city a few days back with the same group of folks. Five hours of walking through Florence. It was wonderful in that "we're exploring!" sort of sense.

I'll do my best to commence regular posting from this point on, as I'm already forgetting what I've been doing here and that simply will not do.

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