Monday, May 25, 2009

Chapter the Second - Gelato. Supermarket. Three Showers a Day.

And so, Florence continues.

Today, there was a distinct lack of class. And by distinct lack of class, I mean that my class thought we had class early and got there on time to find that our professor was still in an airplane over the Atlantic.

Woke Dragon up at the time he'd requested. Apparently, that was too early. Nah, but he's honestly alright. When he's not being an asshole. Nah, but he's ok. Mostly a dick though.

Now, in case I haven't previously elucidated upon the perilous trip to and from class in the morning. It's HOT. Still. That's not going to go away, it seems. So, we did the death march to class twice in fifteen minutes. I think I lost about twenty pounds in water.

The second helping of breakfast we got was helpful though. Been drinking some bizarre carrot/lemon/orange juice that is hopefully restoring the massive quantities of minerals/vitamins/soul I've been losing.

Went to the supermarket. Loud, ribald conversations about alcohol ensued. Dragon bought many-a-bottle of many-an-alcohol. Hopefully Dragon doesn't drunkenly stab me. Also hopefully, Tex's serial killer impression doesn't turn out to be an eerie premonition. Also hopefully, Boss remains hilarious.

NYU Orientation followed. "Be good. Don't disappoint the University. Everything that could possibly go mildly wrong will be a $50 fine." Basic bullshit of college life.

Wandered throughout the city after that, got a bit lost, mild stop in what looked like a set from 28 [increment of time] Later. Went to a nice restaurant. Awesome gelato.

More on this later. Sleep now.

Chapter the First - Florence. Firenze. Something Italian.

So, here I am in Italy. Six hour time difference here, but I've managed to reset myself really quickly. I think that's a weird skill of mine. That and having really weird dreams. Also, blowing Italian fuses.

Power here's a weird thing. The plugs tend to pop if too much is plugged in. Apple laptops do fine with just an adapter, as they have an in-built converter, but I foolishly brought a power strip, which popped the hell out of our fuse box here. Easily fixed and unpopped, and the program guys are really understanding about massive fuseage.

Cool room here, three bunk beds for six people (only four of which are filled), really cool closet things. Two showers sitting side by side in the bathroom, which is a bit odd. Linen service, which is a bit awesome. I'll likely take some photos and post them up here at some point, we'll see.

This place is HOT. We walk up a massive incline of death to class and by the afternoon, it sort of feels like walking on the Sun. If someone were to walk on the Sun, they would train here. It's hot. Ridiculously hot. HOT. So, you get the idea.

Got gelato last night. Green tea gelato is fantastic. Everybody's really cool about the English speaking too. I do my best with words and numbers, it's relatively easy to figure out if you've taken a little Latin and a year or two of French like I have. Even my feeble brain's slowly starting to better understand what people are saying. I'm finding that I'm really good at copying accents too, pronunciation things that most English speakers have locked out with the natural locking down of the brain. Maybe I've been dosed with Cortexiphan...who knows?

Having really weird sleep moments. Lots of dreams lately of me dying. My dad has a theory about dreams being windows into alternate realities and if that's true, there are a hell of a lot fewer Michaels around in spacetime.

Long dream last night about being chased because of who I was in a past life. They were hunting for someone named Phillip who was really important to my past. I don't know any Phillips. I guess I might have in a past life, but who knows? So yeah, that might be a problem later what with the being hunted down.

Anywho, it's been a good time in the first two days so far. Heading into town in a little bit. Orientation today too, so hopefully it's not too bad.

I'd end with a random Italian exclamation, but I'd likely spell it wrong.